美国堪萨斯大学(The University of Kansas,简称KU)与太阳成集团tyc234cc主页为校级合作单位。 KU为全美著名公立研究型大学,位于美国中西部堪萨斯州劳伦斯市, 建校距今已超过150年,校园占地约1100英亩,校内博物馆、研究中心林立,是美国最美丽的校园之一。堪萨斯大学是美国大学协会(AAU)的成员校之一,该协会由美国及加拿大受到广泛认可的62所名校组成。学校设有16个学院(Academic Schools)、200多项专业课程,约有30,000位学生在此学习, 堪萨斯大学被《美国新闻与世界报道》评为美国前50的公立大学,学校又有26门课程位列各公立大学课程的前25名,福特汽车,微软,三星电子,可口可乐等知名企业纷纷选择与KU师生联手开发最先进的技术。学校的城市规划专业和特殊教育长期以来排名全美第1,公共管理、临床心理学、艺术学等专业均位列全美前10。

该项目在太阳成集团tyc234cc主页研究生院和太阳成集团tyc234cc主页联合推动下于2015年正式启动,至今在英美国家已成功举办过3次。该项目最早成型于“研究生二外英语学术读写班”。其主要目的是帮助学生提高自身的英语学术素养和各种应用技能, 开拓国际视野, 提高思辨能力, 增加跨文化学习经历, 完成相关研究项目,为国家培养复合型国际化人才战略服务。
参加有关美国文化、经济、新闻、法律、国际关系的课堂学习和相关讲座、图书馆免费查找资料、观摩高水英语辩论赛,与KU师生分享学习生活专题活动、结业典礼 以及颁发结业证书、为了解KU历史文化以及人文通识教育所组织的其他活动等。请点击/archives/1243获得更多详细新闻报道。
招生名额: 20名
收取费用: 16,000元(含食宿、学费、使用图书馆设备等一切在美费用, 不包含往返机票费和签证费)
截止日期: 2018年5月15日
联系人: 谭老师
KU-BFSU English Institute
University of Kansas
July 15-28, 2018
Sunday, July 15, 2018
Airport shuttle will pick up BFSU students and staff and transport them to Lawrence and the KU campus
Shuttle Company: BATS KCI (913) 634-5484
Lodging: Self Hall 1620 Engel Rd, Lawrence, KS 66045
Boxed sandwich dinners to be delivered to Self Hall front desk
Monday, July 16, 2018
7:00AM-9:00AM Breakfast at Mrs. E’s
Morning Session Self Hall Meeting Room
9:15AM-10:15AM Institute Orientation with Sarah Arbuthnot Lendt, Institute Coordinator
10:30AM-11:30PM Lecture: “Research Projects and Presentations,” Professor Graham, Institute
11:45AM-12:45PM Lunch at Mrs. E’s
1:00PM Bus to Kansas Union
Afternoon Session Kansas Union
1:30PM-2:00PM BFSU Scholars get KUIDs – KU Card Center in Kansas Union – take passports!
2:00PM-3:30PM Official University Welcome: University Distinguished Professor Maryemma
Graham; Professor Clarence Dean, Interim Director, Hall Center for the Humanities; Michael Roberts, Graduate Studies; Associate Vice Provost Charles Bankart, Office of International Programs; Dean Carl Lejuez, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences; Professor Kathryn Conrad, Chair, Department of English
4:00PM -5:00PM 1stFloor Ambassador Office, Kansas Union
Campus Walking Tour
5:00PM-7:00PM Dinner at Mrs. E’s
Tuesday, July 17, 2018
7:00AM-8:00AM Breakfast at Mrs. E’s
8:00AM Bus to Watson Library
Morning Session Watson Library
8:30AM-10:00AM Lecture: “Academic Writing and Academic Research Conduct,” Vickie Doll,
10:00AM-11:30AM Library research
12:00PM-1:00PM Lunch delivered to Hall Center for the Humanities (HCH)
Afternoon Session Hall Center for the Humanities
1:00PM-2:30PM Lecture: American Immigration Policy and Racial Exclusion –“Stories of the
Undocumented: Cultural Trauma and American DREAMers,” Professor Marta Caminero-Santangelo, English
2:45PM-4:15PM Lecture: “Understanding the Violent Side of American History: The Roots and
Branches of the #BlackLivesMatter World” with Professor Shawn Alexander, African/African-American Studies
Evening Event Adams Alumni Center
5:45PM Cars depart Self Hall for Adams Alumni Center
6:00PM-8:00PM Welcome Reception and Dinner with KU Faculty, Graduate Students and
Wednesday, July 18, 2018
7:00AM-9:00AM Breakfast at Mrs. E’s
9:00AM Bus to Spencer Museum of Art
Morning Session Spencer Museum of Art
9:30AM-11:30AM Tour Spencer Museum of Art with Celka Straughn, Director of Academic
Programs, Spencer Museum of Art
Lecture: Aesthetic Preferences for Eastern and Western Traditional Visual Art
11:45AM-12:45PM Lunch at Kansas Union
Afternoon Session Hall Center for the Humanities
1:15PM-2:45PM Lecture: “Globalization and its Backlash: Implication for Sino-US Relations” with Professor Tailan Chi, Business
3:00PM-4:30PM Lecture: “Intercultural Communication” with Professor from Communication Studies
5:00PM-7:00PM Dinner at Mrs. E’s (KU meal card)
Evening Event
7:15PM Cars depart for South Park, 1141 Massachusetts St.
8:00PM -9:00PM Lawrence City Band Concert
Thursday, July 19, 2018
7:00AM-9:00AM Breakfast at Mrs. E’s
9:00AM Bus to Spencer Research Library
Morning Session Spencer Research Library
9:30AM-11:00AM Spencer Research Library Tour with Caitlin Donnelly, Head of Public Services,
Kenneth Spencer Research Library
11:30AM-12:30PM Lunch at Kansas Union
Afternoon Session Watson Library
1:00PM-3:00PM Lecture: “Library Resources,” Vickie Doll, Librarian
3:00PM-5:00PM Attend undergraduate/graduate student seminar
5:00PM-7:00PM Dinner at Mrs. E’s
Friday, July 20, 2018
7:00AM-9:00AM Breakfast at Mrs. E’s
Morning Session Self Hall Meeting Room
9:00AM-10:00AM Lecture: “Langston Hughes: Born on a Troubled Road,” Professor Emeritus, Carmaletta Williams, English, Johnson County Community College
10:15AM-11:15AM Bus Departs Self Hall for Field Trip –
Lawrence/Langston Hughes City Tour, Historian Katie Armitage and Professor Williams
11:15AM-12:15PM Tour Watkins Museum of History
Lecture: Geography and Environment in American History
12:00PM-1:00PM Lunch at Kansas Union
Afternoon Session KU Campus
1:00PM-2:30PM “Debate Theory” with Debate/Communication Faculty
2:30PM-5:00PM Meetings with faculty, research or work time
5:30PM Cars depart for La Parrilla restaurant
6:00PM-8:00PM Dinner at La Parrilla with KU Faculty, Graduate Students and Administrators
Saturday, July 21, 2018
8:00AM Cars depart for Downtown Lawrence
8:15AM-11:00AM Tour Lawrence Farmer’s Market and Downtown Lawrence
Lecture: “American Agriculture and the Local Food Movement”
11:30AM-12:30PM Lunch at Mrs. E’s
Afternoon Session Self Hall Meeting Room
12:30PM-2:00PM “Native American Race Relations and Healing” Lecture with Professor Stephanie
Fitzgerald, Indigenous Studies
2:15PM Cars depart for Haskell Cultural Center
2:30PM-4:00PM Tour Haskell Cultural Center
5:00-7:00PM Dinner at Mrs. E’s
7:00PM Walk to Murphy Hall
7:30PM -9:30PM “Next to Normal” musical theatre performance by Kansas Repertory Theatre
Sunday, July 22, 2018
8:00AM-9:00AM Breakfast delivered to Self Hall
Morning Session Self Hall Meeting Room
9:30AM-10:30AM Lecture: “African American Church Culture” with Professor Graham
10:30AM Cars depart Self Hall for Field Trip
11:00AM-1:00PM Field Trip – Service at St. Luke African Methodist Episcopal Church
1:30PM-2:30PM Brunch at Merchants Restaurant in Downtown Lawrence
2:30PM-5:00PM Research and work time
5:15PM Cars depart for Dr. Graham’s home
5:30PM-7:30PM Dinner at Dr. Graham’s home with faculty and graduate students
Monday, July 23, 2018
7:00AM-8:00AM Breakfast at Mrs. E’s
8:00AM Walk to HCH
Morning Session Hall Center for the Humanities
8:30AM-10:00AM Lecture: “The People’s Republic of China, the United States, and Global Security Issues,” Professor Adrian Lewis, History
10:15AM-11:45AM “Historiography in China, Greece and Israel,” with Professor from the Confucius Institute
12:00PM-1:00PM Lunch delivered to HCH
1:15PM-2:15PM Tour KU Athletics with Paul Buskirk, Associate Athletics Director (meet in Hall
of Athletics in Allen Fieldhouse)
Short Lecture: Jayhawk Basketball Glory
2:15PM-5:00PM Meetings with faculty, research or work time
5:00-7:00PM Dinner at Mrs. E’s
Tuesday, July 24, 2018
7:00AM-9:00AM Breakfast at Mrs. E’s
9:00AM Bus departs Self Hall for Field Trip to Kansas City
10:00AM-2:00PM Tour Costco and Oak Park Mall
Lecture: “American Consumerism”
Purchase lunch at Oak Park Mall
2:00PM Bus departs for WWI Museum
2:30PM-5:00PM Tour WWI Museum and Liberty Memorial
6:00PM-7:00PM Dinner at Mrs. E’s
Wednesday, July 25, 2018
7:00AM-8:00AM Breakfast at Mrs. E’s
8:00AM Walk to HCH
Morning Session Hall Center for the Humanities
8:30AM-10:00AM International Trade Law and International Investment Law, with Professor from KU School of Law
10:15AM-11:45AM “The Importance of Understanding Consumer Psychology for Marketing,” Professor Noelle Nelson, Business
11:45AM-12:45PM Lunch delivered to HCH
Afternoon Session KU Campus
12:45PM-2:30PM Graduate Student Panel
2:30PM-5:00PM Meetings with faculty, research or work time
5:00-7:00PM Dinner at Mrs. E’s
Thursday, July 26, 2018
7:00AM-8:30AM Breakfast at Mrs. E’s
8:30AM Walk to HCH
Morning Session Hall Center for the Humanities
9:00AM-10:30AM “Black Women and Feminism in Africa and the Caribbean,” with Professor
Cécile Accilien, African/African-American Studies
10:45AM-12:15PM “The Arab Revolution and the New Political Landscape in the Middle East,” with Professor from the Middle East Studies Program
12:15PM-1:15PM Lunch delivered to HCH
Afternoon Session KU Campus
1:15PM-5:00PM Meetings with faculty, research or work time
5:00-7:00PM Dinner at Mrs. E’s
Friday, July 27, 2018
7:00AM-9:00AM Breakfast at Mrs. E’s
9:00AM Walk to HCH
Morning Session Hall Center for the Humanities
9:30AM-10:45AM “Path to Genocide: A Holocaust Overview,” Dr. Shelly Cline, Historian,
Midwest Center for Holocaust Education
11:00AM-12:00PM Closing Panel, Professor Maryemma Graham
12:00PM-1:00PM Lunch delivered to HCH
Afternoon Session Hall Center for the Humanities
1:00PM-4:00PM Student Presentations
4:00PM-5:00PM Certificate Ceremony and Group Photo
5:45PM Cars depart for The Oread
Evening Event The Oread
6:00-7:00 Social Hour
7:00-8:00 Closing Dinner with KU Faculty, Grad Students and Administrators
Saturday, July 28, 2018
6:00AM-7:00AM Breakfast delivered to Self Hall
7:00AM Airport shuttle departs for MCI
Airport shuttle will transport BFSU students and staff to MCI Airport
Shuttle Company: BATS KCI (913) 634-5484